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English for the Agribusiness

In our rapidly growing and globalized industry, demand is high for those with good English language skills.

Objetives: The English for Agriculture Workshop has been developed to meet the communicative needs of the people working in the agricultural sector. Its aim is to build on their technical background in the English language while covering most of the basic terminology that is needed for understanding and working with the relevant information of the sector.
By the end of the workshop, attendees should be able to recognize and understand the common jargon and language patterns contained in current agricultural news and reports.

Candidates: The workshop is oriented to those with an intermediate level of English. Prior agricultural knowledge in the English language may be welcome although it is not a requirement.

Content: Throughout the classes, participants will be presented with a selection of reading and listening material from authoritative agricultural sources: USDA, FAO, REUTERS, BLOOMBERG, AGWEB, among others. They will be requiered to actively engage in the analysis and discussion of the topics presented.

Modalidad: Virtual

Course Length: 8 hours.

Course Hours: 10am to 12am.

Course dates: september 9, 16, 23, 30.


  • Inicio: 09/09/2021
  • Fin: 30/09/2021

Profesor: De Santis, Cecilia (Ver CV)

¿En qué querés capacitarte?

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  • Conoc茅 las facilidades de pago
  • Biblioteca Digital